TSR Watermark Image Pro Crack + Keygen Full Free Download:
TSR Watermark Image Pro is a lightweight yet powerful photo watermarking application that allows you to protect your photos from theft quickly and easily. TSR Watermark Image is one of the best photo watermarking software, offering you all the necessary features to apply text or image watermarks to your photos.
With TSR Watermark you can virtually apply a text or images watermark to your photos in seconds and you can process thousands of files in simultaneously. It supports all popular image formats such as JPG, JPEG, BMP, PNG, GIF, and more.
TSR Watermark Image Software Pro is a handy solution to help you watermark photos and protect your images easily. It allows you to quickly apply a text, image watermark, as well as 3D watermarks to all your images/pictures in seconds. Moreover, TSR Watermark Full also allows you to insert multiple/various watermarks to your photos, batch process your images and apply the same watermark to all of them at once.
TSR Watermark Image Pro Crack
With TSR Watermark Image Software you can protect your photos by adding personalized text and images to your photos. You can add watermarks in singular or in batch quantities.
The app has some great options to work with. For instance you can add multiple watermarks in one run, and save each watermarked image at multiple locations with different settings. It allows you to add logos or text as watermarks to your pictures, photos or other digital images.
The app has extensive settings that can be tweaked to suit your requirements. It allows you to keep the EXIF information when saving jpeg photos, set the quality of jpegs and select the output image type (jpeg, png, gif, bmp, tiff). You can automatically rotate the resulting image, based on the orientation tag in the EXIF information in the photo and add copyright text to the EXIF information.
Key Features include:
- Batch watermark.
- Text, image & 3D watermarks.
- Borders, crosses & special effects.
Key Features:
- Add the text used to watermark the image to the EXIF information in the resulting file.
- Keep or drop EXIF information in jpeg files (Camera model/lens model/etc. etc.)
- Output the watermarked photo to JPEG, TIFF, PNG, BMP, GIF file format.
- Specify the quality of the watermarking output when saving as jpeg images
- Angle the text you use for your photo watermarking
- Insert background watermark in digital images, pictures, photos
- Resize images while watermarking the image/photo
- Watermark your photos using either another image, photo or picture
- Watermark your photos using your own text in the color and style you want to.
- Maintain directory structure in destination directory or combine all batch watermarked images into one directory
- Skip or overwrite existing watermarked images/photos in destination directory
- Command line option to automatically load a profile and batch watermark all photos.
- Automatically check for new version of the TSR Watermark Image Software
Minimum Requirements:
- Windows XP/ Vista/ 7/ 8/ 8.1/ 10 or Server 2003/ 2008/ 2012/ 2016 (32-bit or 64-bit – all editions)
- Computer with reasonable speed
- 1024 x 768 display
What’s new:
- It is updated the Turkish language.
- The updated development enviroment to latest version of visual studio.
- Updated the development tools to Windows 10.
How To Install?
- Disconnect from internet (most recommended)
- Extract and install the program (run Setup)
- Run the program
- Use provided Keygen to generate a License Key
- And Enter Key
- All Done Enjoy:)